
Academic Publications by our faculty

Being Helpful to Others

Published: May 15, 2024

Journal of Agricultural Science

Rock Phosphate and Biochar Effects on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Soil Fertility in Southern Alberta Potato Field

Adebusoye Onanuga, J. R. Weasel Fat & Roy Weasel Fat

The application of biochar soil amendment and rock phosphate fertilizer to the soil could lead to achieving net zero emissions and food security; however, the effectiveness of using biochar and rock phosphate in southern Alberta brown chernozemic soil is not yet assessed. In the first trial of this study, varying levels of urea (N), with varying levels of biochar (B) were applied...

Published: Apr 25, 2024

Tribal College Journal

Niitsitapiiysinni – To Be Blackfoot: The Resilient Spirit of Red Crow Community College

Mickey Vallee, Mary Weasel Fat, and Samantha Fox

On the Blood reserve, the Kainai First Nation rolled back the forces of colonization by building their own tribally controlled college. But then devastation struck. This is their story of rejuvenation and resilience.

Published: Jul 15, 2022

Journal of Agricultural Science

Influence of Biochar, Rock Phosphate, and Urea Nitrogen Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) Grown in Standoff, Southern Alberta Greenhouse

Adebusoye O. Onanuga, Roy Weasel Fat, Roy M. Weasel Fat

Two trials were performed in greenhouse Standoff, Southern Alberta to investigate urea, rock phosphate, and biochar soil amendment on cucumber crops. The objective of the study was to confirm the effectiveness of rock phosphate and biochar with urea on greenhouse cucumber production. Two experiments were conducted in the Summer of 2020 and 2021 cropping seasons.

Published: May 15, 2022

Journal of Agricultural Science

Carbon Dioxide Emission, Soil Properties, Intercropping of Cucumber-Tomato and Carrot-Cabbage Crops Performance Affected by Application of Biochar, Urea, and Rock Phosphate

Adebusoye O. Onanuga , Roy Weasel Fat

Application of biochar soil amendment is a good practice to store carbon dioxide (CO2) in the soil to mitigate climate change, rock phosphate and urea fertilizer increase soil fertility to enhance food security. This greenhouse experiment aimed to evaluate the effect of biochar, rock phosphate, and urea on cucumber-tomato intercrop and evaluate the carbon dioxide (CO2).....

Published: Jan 15, 2020

Growth and Yield Variability of Corn (Zea mays)


Adebusoye O. Onanuga1 & Roy Weasel Fat

An experiment was conducted in the Standoff Alberta community garden over the 2019 summer time. Fallow and unfallow soils of Standoff community were used for this experiment. The major nutrients Nitrogen (N) was deficient and Phosphorus (P) was low in the unfallow soil. Furthermore, fallow soil N nutrient was low and optimum for P. Soil potassium was in excess for both soils.