Dennis Chief Calf


Dennis Chief Calf

Dennis Chief Calf - Naato'kiinaamaahka - Two Gun Owner
Dennis Chief Calf is a member of the Blood Tribe located in southern Alberta on the Blood
Reserve. His Blackfoot name is Naato'kiinaamaahka which means Two Gun Owner. He is a
member of the Kaahssinnoon (Elders) Advisory Council since September 2018 for Red Crow Community College. His clan is the Many Children (Aakaapooka). Chief Calf is a member of the following: Magpie Society, Itskinaiksi (Hom Society) and Kanootsisin (All Night Smoke). His spiritual teachers/advisors are: Wilton Goodstriker (holy brother), Bruce Wolf Child (father/grandfather), the late Harrison Black Plume, Ed Spotted Bull and Wallace Mountain Horse.
Chief Calf worked for 33 years with Blood Tribe Emergency Services - EMTA-A, Fire Chief
and Deputy Chief. He was also the Disaster Coordinator for the Blood Tribe, a First-Aid
Instructor, INAC Consultant - Fire Department, Fire Inspector and Vice President Treaty 7 First Nations Fire Fighters Association of Alberta INAC. He served on the Parent Advisory
Committee with Kainai Board of Education. He attended Red Crow Community College -
Continuing Education - Social Work Program.
His ceremonial initiatives include conducting sweat lodges as an elder with Itskinaiksi and is also an advisor to Itskinaiksi monthly meetings when called upon. Chief Calf is presently preparing his son's initiation as a member of the Hom Society (Itskinaiksi, 2019) transfer ceremony.



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